Mechanical Engineering Ireland – The Future is in Whose Hands?

Mechanical Engineering Ireland

The growth over the last couple of years in data centre projects for blue-chip companies and market leaders in the data sector has been welcomed and it is encouraging to see companies which include Google and PayPal investing in Ireland and opening facilities throughout the country. But at a time when expansion is taking place our qualified and experienced engineering workforce is shrinking.

Although demand for mechanical engineering courses remains strong, graduates have been seeking job opportunities further afield. Ethos Engineering, a mechanical and electrical consultancy recently took an advertisement out in the Irish Echo a newspaper for Irish people living in Australia, seeking at least 10 qualified and experienced engineers with design consultancy experience as part of a three-month recruitment drive.

With future growth predicted in intelligent infrastructure, mechanical engineering professionals will be needed for transport systems, electrical engineers as we move to more renewable sources of supply and electronic/ computer engineers as by 2020, it is estimated that 30bn devices will be connected to the internet.

Therefore creating a workforce of professional engineers ready to take up the challenge is vital for the future.

Raleigh Engineering has been established over 30 years and provides mechanical and electrical engineering solutions, re-furbishment services and facility management.

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